New DGHM recommendations for milkshakes and drafts for smoked salmon (cold smoked) published

Bild zur Empfehlungen und Verbraucherschutz

At its last meeting in November 2023, the German Society for Hygiene and Microbiology (DGHM) adopted recommendations for microbiological guideline and warning values for food and also approved new drafts.

This is the following draft:

  • 5.3 Smoked salmon, cold smoked (draft 30/11/2023)


This is the following recommendation:

  • 1.5 Guideline and warning values for milkshakes

You can obtain the values at: from Beuth Verlag, Berlin.

The drafts for the respective microbiological guideline and warning values will remain freely accessible and open for discussion on the DGHM website for a period of at least ¼ year.

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