Maximum levels for nickel in certain foods
Maximum levels for nickel in certain foods were published in the Official Journal of the European Commission on 31 July 2024. In Regulation (EU) 2024/1987 amending Regulation (EU) 2023/915, the following maximum levels were defined, among others:
Amended with regard to the date from which lower maximum levels for ergot sclerotia and ergot alkaloids in foodstuffs apply
The 7th version of the document "Guidance document
Updated question-and-answer catalogue and terms of use for Nutri-Score
Updated documents (in English and French) have been published on the website of Santé publique France and the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL)
Amended with regard to the date from which lower maximum levels for ergot sclerotia and ergot alkaloids in foodstuffs apply
Commission Regulation (EU) 2024/1808 of 1 July 2024 amending Regulation (EU) 2023/915 with regard to the date
Amendments to the guidelines for puddings, other sweet desserts and related products published
In June 2024, the Federal Gazette published the amendment to the German Food Code's guidelines for puddings,
BLL guidelines for the assessment of mayonnaise, salad mayonnaise and remoulade revised.
Lebensmittelverband Deutschland e.V. is gradually revising the BLL guidelines. Primarily due to the new design