Directive (EU) 2024/1799 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 June 2024 on common rules promoting the repair of goods

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The directive serves to standardise regulations for goods purchased by consumers and is intended to ensure reparability.

The reparability of goods must correspond to what is usual for goods of the same type and what the consumer can reasonably expect.

If remedial action is taken by repairing goods that are not in conformity with the contract, the liability period is extended once by 12 months for purchase contracts concluded after 31 July 2026.

Goods whose reparability is defined in other legal acts (currently for certain electrical and electronic equipment and batteries) will be subject to a standardised repair obligation.

Repairers will have the option of registering on an online platform for repairs. The European Repair Information Form can be used voluntarily.

The directive must be complied with by 31 July 2026.


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